Case to increase the customer base Systema Capital

Systema Headquarters
Capital on Prechistenka 17/9

Case study to increase customer base

Sistema Capital is an investment company managing assets of legal entities and individuals. The first few years of its existence, the company worked exclusively with institutional investors. In 2018, the company's management decided to open a department for working with individuals. For this purpose, the MTS Investments brand was used. MTS Group is one of the holding companies of AFK Sistema

What happens when all marketing is outsourced

What happened
By the time I joined the company, all marketing activities were outsourced to a contractor in a very well-known agency on the market, which specialized in working with financial institutions.

A marketing strategy has been developed. A new website has been created and the rights to use the MTS Investments brand have been obtained.

A media promotion plan has been drawn up. The first work (flys) to launch advertising began. But despite the fact that the marketing was managed by a well-known company, very serious money was spent on the development, the result of the work was unsatisfactory. Advertising campaigns had a very high bounce rate. Not a single new client was received coming from advertising channels.
Agency results in numbers
Epic fail
Not surprisingly, after such results, cooperation with this eminent Agency was stopped.

Subsequently, regardless of the marketing agency, programmatic advertising was launched with audience targeting (Stream). Which also did not give positive results, despite more than 1,000,000 impressions.

Marketing strategy

As the basis for successful company market promotion
Strategy Analysis from X-Marketing
The result of the analysis of the strategy presented by the well-known Marketing Agency showed that it was drawn up extremely superficially. In-depth studies of the market and competitors were not conducted, surface portraits of customers were described, no polls were conducted. Segments did not correspond to reality. The positioning of the company was not determined, there was no USP. Landing pages were performed without considering the parameters of the strategy.
Strategy update
In view of the foregoing, I decided to update individual parts of the strategy.

An in-depth competitive analysis of one of the strongest players in the mutual fund market, Alfa Capital, was carried out. The result of 2 weeks of work was a document consisting of 27 pages and 10 appendices.

Based on some conclusions from this document, promotions were initiated, which subsequently brought a significant number of new customers.
Lack of formed demand and collection of semantics
In the process of updating the strategy, it turned out that there was no formed demand for the company's products. Most people do not know what UIFs are and do not look for the Systema Capital PIFs. In this regard, it was decided to work with related demand. Several segments were identified that are interested in bonds, deposits, investments, stocks. A semantic core of queries was compiled for these segments. As an experiment, an advertising campaign was launched on one of these segments.
Landing for a segment of bank depositors has been developed
In the process of analyzing related demand, bank investors were identified as one of the promising areas.
It was they who could be offered better conditions and a larger percentage of income. To launch an advertising campaign, I developed a landing page.

First, a layout was drawn, and then a concept was found and it was laid out.
Landing was created specifically for contextual advertising and attracting a client with a formed demand for bank deposits.
For the segment of consumers who clearly did not show interest in bank deposits, but in principle were interested in investments, I developed a series of slogans and creatives. Banners were designed specifically for advertising on Facebook / Inst. and targeted different custom audiences. Below are examples of banners and headers.
As a result of the Facebook promotion, the first several dozen Leads were received. The Lead Ads form was used as an advertising target. Those communication with the client did not go through the site, but through the application form on Facebook.
The very first customer ringing brought several "discoveries." If the sales manager called the next day or the day after Lida arrived, the client did not readily communicate and could hardly remember that he was making an application.

Not a single Lead turned into a bid since there was no conversation script. The trigger was not used in order to induce the client to make a request and fill in the necessary data. Lack of trust in the company's products. It was necessary to change something.
Customer Questionnaire
I have developed a list of questions that are required for a sales manager to work. The data of all clients were recorded and subsequently summarized.

The main thing that has become clear from this document is that the main obstacle to filling out the application are:

1. Fear of losing your money,
2. Misunderstanding of the essence of the sentence (Pifs).
3. The absence of a trigger for the first transaction.

P.S. Unfortunately, work on drawing up a portrait of a client was not ordered or paid, so full-fledged portraits of clients were not made.
Implement CRM Bitrix 24
I decided to start resolving the issues with the introduction of CRM - Bitrix 24, and the marketing automation system - Carrot Quest. Due to the integration of the Lead Ads form with Facebook and CRM, we were able to receive immediate notification of the arrived Lida and instantly contact a potential client.

In addition, the CRM system itself was associated with the Carrot Quest service. And with CRM Lida got satisfying certain parameters. The so-called qualified leads.
Implementing Carrot Quest
The introduction of CQ allowed us to solve several important problems:

  1. We have a visual list of clients who have ever interacted with company materials.
  2. We were able to sort customers by their attributes and conduct further work with them. We saw at what stage of the funnel customers are eliminated. And they began to catch up with them in letters.
  3. I set up automatic sending of letters and made up and set up pop-ups, which we later used in promotions.
  4. Integration with the internal database in which the application is recorded and the amount allowed to get a kind of cross-cutting analytics. Those, we were able to see which channel brought the largest number of applications.

Below are examples of Carrot Quest interfaces:
Plusonomics Blog
Initially, the blog was conceived as part of the PR activities of the company. But when the core of queries distributed according to related demand was assembled, it was decided to write a number of articles for search queries. The blog was compiled on the Tilda platform, which made it possible to quickly typeset and launch materials. Writing articles and layout was carried out by contractors. For which, in addition to the content plan, I sent SEO TK for writing articles. And after uploading to the blog, he made corrections to them. The blog itself was launched by the end of my contract, so I managed to put only a part of articles on low / mid range queries in the top 10 of Yandex.
Promotion launch
One of the necessary conditions for future success was the initiation of a special campaign "First investment." The idea was spotted during a competitive audit at "Alfa Capital". The action itself was slightly changed, but the essence remained the same.

The company made it possible for anyone who wants to become an investor at the expense of the company. Thanks to this step, clients received a certain credit of trust and a trigger in order to open accounts and monitor the growth of their investment.

As a landing page on the blog, a small landing page was created that details the action, a series of advertising creatives for YAN and pop-ups calling for action.
First breakthrough
Advertising companies have been re-launched. On Facebook, Instagram, Yandex. During the first 2 days, 30 leads were collected and about half of which turned into applications. 60,000 rubles were spent. Of these, 30,000 in Kazakhstan in Yandex. - Got 1 lead. And 30,000 rubles. on Facebook / In. Of which received 6 leads from Facbook and 23 leads from Instagram.
Securing Success
We realized that the approach with motivated traffic was effective and, following paid advertising campaigns, a campaign was launched from the MTS Wallet application. Using the free opportunity to broadcast the company's offer and the campaign, campaigns were conducted throughout Russia. During the first week of advertising, the company received more than 3,000 leads and more than 300 applications for opening an account.

From clients (leads) who did not reach opening an account, I created audiences and launched retargeting in Yandex audiences, Facebook, and also created Look a like audiences that also successfully continued to convert already "warm" clients.
Thanks to the use of even individual strategic marketing tools: analysis of competitors, interviews with consumers, work with customer journey, etc., it allowed to increase the number of shareholders of the investment campaign by a multiple.

The results of the work could be even more impressive if we could develop a new full-fledged strategy and implement it.

Unfortunately, after unsatisfactory work with a renowned agency, the company management decided not to continue to work in this direction.
Examples of materials that were used in the analysis and development of strategies and advertising campaigns